The captain orders another pirate robot named Swash to put him on the ship's loudspeaker, while Bark is seen standing in a butler's pose nearby. On the deck of the pirate ship, a robot named Buckle informs his captain that a trail of flame and a stowaway have been spotted. Despite objections, she carries out her plan, which seems to fail-only for the rocket to explode inside the cannon. Back on the Ocean Tornado, Marine loads a firework into one of the ship's cannons, hoping to provide a distraction for Blaze's efforts. Bean informs her that Nack the Weasel is thus far nowhere to be seen, and then accompanies her as she infiltrates the ship. Guessing at a link between his presence and that of her friends, and guessing correctly that Bark the Polar Bear is present as well, she questions whether the Babylon Rogues will put in an appearance as well.

Blaze reaches the pirate ship, which she decides to infiltrate so that she can secure the Emerald before sinking it, only to run into an unwelcome familiar face: Bean the Dynamite Duck. Marine then recruits Amy and Cream to help her with a new idea, which leaves the two Mobians feeling somewhat uneasy. The pirates cease firing briefly, and Blaze takes advantage of the lull to fly across using her flame powers. Undaunted, Marine orders her crew to prepare to return fire, only to be surprised as the other ship's hull opens to admit a gattling cannon that begins bombarding them with a rapid barrage of bombs.

Her friends try to discourage her, but Blaze remains determined, and Amy decides to honor her wishes.Īs bombs continue to pelt the vessel, Amy notes that they seem familiar, but turns her attention to swatting them away from the ship. Knowing that her world is doomed unless it is recovered, Blaze makes the decision to board the pirate vessel alone. Contemplating the matter, Blaze comes to the believe that the Sol Emeralds have brought her friends here, just as the last one seems to be summoning her. Marine bellows orders to the Coconut Crew, while Amy and Blaze utilize their abilities to deflect and destroy bombs as best they can. Their memories of Mobius left somewhat cloudy by their experiences, the trio joined up with Blaze, and after a week long search came to their present situation. Her quest having been interrupted by her recent abduction and induction into the Roboticized Masters, she eventually returned to her world only to be surprisingly accompanied by Amy Rose, Cream the Rabbit, and Cheese. Aboard the Ocean Tornado, Blaze reminisces on her recent experiences, including the recovery of all but one of the Sol Emeralds. In the storm-tossed seas of the Sol Zone, the Ocean Tornado and a pirate vessel exchange cannon fire, the latter shooting bombs with fuses. AAAAARRRR you ready? “Pirate Plunder Panic” Part One: It’s mystery and mayhem on the high seas as Amy and Cream join first mates Blaze and Marine in their search for the final Sol Emerald! As ships clash on the stormy waters, familiar faces start to appear amongst the opposition and Blaze is targeted as enemy number 1! Who is the new, sinister force leading the robot pirates, and what is his past with Blaze? And what does a certain dynamite duck have to do with it all? Straight out of the smash-hit Sonic/Mega Man crossover event, you’re going to TREASURE this all-new storyline written and penciled by Sonic art guru TRACY YA’RRRRR-DLEY!" Story One Pirate Plunder Panic-Part One of Four